Magnesium: Miracle Mineral For All Skin Problems
Magnesium fosters good health in the body by regulating blood pressure, lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease, preventing migraines and reducing menstrual cramps. It is required for the performance of over 300 reactions in the body. It’s also the fourth most prevalent mineral found in cells, after calcium, phosphorous and potassium; and the third most abundant mineral in sea water, and the eighth most abundant mineral on Earth. But did you know that it can also do wonders for your skin? In fact, it’s considered as ”the mineral of beauty” in traditional Chinese medicine.
Table of Contents
The Beauty Benefits of Magnesium
Magnesium helps restore cellular magnesium levels, acts as a natural cellular protectant, facilitates safe and effective detoxification, provides relief of aches, pains, spasms and encourages healthy skin tissue growth. Other benefits can be found here:
Health Benefits of Magnesium
Prevents Wrinkles
Magnesium is necessary for the enzymes that
regulate DNA replication and repair. Without it, the skin is subject to a host of harmful free radical damage and inflammation. The book “The Magnesium Miracle” cites a study showing that skin cells grown without magnesium were twice as likely to suffer attacks from free radicals.
Reduces Breakouts
In a 2007 study cited in the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,” Magnesium was discovered to help reduce inflammation caused by an excess amount of E-selectin and C-reactive protein. E-selectin is produced when the skin sustains any type of injury, including those created by acne-causing bacteria invading the skin. The presence of E-selectin results in acne inflammation. Magnesium helps reduce E-selectin’s effects and prevents the inflammation.
Tackles Skin Allergies
Eczema is often a sign of a magnesium deficiency. When magnesium levels are low, the body begins to produce histamines. Histamine creates itchy skin and red blotches, which is caused by swelling blood vessels leaking fluid into the skin and tissues. Along with histamine production, magnesium deficiency also results in lower levels of fatty acids on the skin. This reduces elasticity and moisture and creates the perfect condition for dryness and inflammation.
Magnesium: Topical Application Vs Oral Intake
Magnesium can be obtained from a variety of food sources. (Refer here: Magnesium-rich foods). However, Magnesium and other nutrients are diminished or lost in produce after harvest, through handling, refrigeration, transport, and storage. This article gives a fair idea about magnesium loss in foods.
Studies indicate that most Americans have magnesium deficient diets, with 1 in 5 getting less than half the RDA for magnesium in their daily diets. Oral supplementation is affected by numerous things in your gut irrespective of the type of oral magnesium you take. Moreover, magnesium taken orally can be potentially laxative and the ability to absorb magnesium through the GI tract is limited by its shortened transit time.
The skin is a living, breathing organ. So long as a molecule or ion is small enough to pass through the porous surface of the skin, it will eventually end up in your bloodstream. Topical application also allows you to maximize the amount of magnesium you’re getting daily without having to worry about diarrhea, digestion, or swallowing additional pills several times a day. It is especially effective as a painkiller and can be applied directly to the trouble area, often providing instant relief.
Magnesium Oil
A deficiency of magnesium as you age can result in calcification in the kidneys, bladder, and joints. The introduction of additional magnesium in your diet from magnesium oil can support the health of bones and teeth, which deteriorate as you age. Other conditions that come with age, such as poor circulation and glandular disorders, can be helped with adequate intake of magnesium oil.
Magnesium oil can soothe arthritis by relaxing the muscles in arthritic joints. In order to relieve arthritis pain, you can take magnesium oil orally as a diluted mixture, or rub it over the skin surrounding the joint. If you have sensitive skin, you should dilute the oil with water before topical application. You can use up to 600 mg per day of magnesium oil, in separate doses with meals, to relieve arthritis pain. If you have low blood pressure, you should only take 300 mg per day.
If you have osteoporosis, your hips, spine, and wrists are very susceptible to breaks and fractures due to loss of bone density. Even if you are not diagnosed with osteoporosis, magnesium oil can have positive effects if you have low bone mass. Magnesium oil may act as a buffer against diets with high acidity, as well as a substitute for a lack of calcium in the bones.
DIY Magnesium Oil
You will need:
½ cup Magnesium Chloride Flakes
½ cup Distilled Water
A Glass Bowl or Glass Measuring Cup
A Glass Spray Bottle
Boil the distilled water. It is important to use distilled water, to extend the shelf life of the mixture.
Put Magnesium Chloride Flakes in a glass bowl or measuring cup and then pour the boiling water over it.
Stir well until completely dissolved.
Let cool completely and store in the spray bottle.
Can be stored at room temperature for at least six months.
Spray on arms, legs, and stomach daily. It may tingle on the skin the first few times and which is normal. It should fade after a few applications, but you can dilute with more water if it bothers you too much. You can either leave it on the skin or wash off after 20-30 minutes.
DIY Magnesium Body Cream
You will need:
1/2 c. Double-Strength Magnesium Oil OR (follow the steps above to make your own)
1/2 c. Avocado Oil.
Note: If you want a harder lotion, use coconut oil. Alternatively, almond oil, olive oil or jojoba oil also works.
1/2 c. Unrefined Shea Butter.
Note: Those with an allergy to latex should choose cocoa butter or mango butter.
2 Tbsp. Beeswax.
4-6 Drops of any Essential Oil.
In a saucepan over low heat, melt together the shea butter and beeswax, then add the avocado oil.
Add the melted oils to a blender. The oils and the magnesium oil should be about the same temperature or just warmer than room temperature. If they are different, they won’t form an emulsion.
Add the magnesium oil to the blender. Turn it on low at first, then turn it up until the lotion turns thick, white, and opaque.
Immediately pour the finished lotion into a glass jar.
This lasts for 3 – 6 months.
Rub it on your leg or foot to ease and prevent cramps.
Use it as a massage oil, using almond oil as a carrier/base oil.
Rub a pea-sized amount at the base of the skull and the back of the neck to relieve a tension headache.
Massage into the lower back to relax injured or sore back muscles.
Rub it on the stomach right before bed for a deeper sleep.
Pregnant women can use it to reduce morning sickness and pregnancy heartburn
Rachelle Chandraan Rachelle is a part of Curejoy’s Content team. She likes short conversations and big books(mostly) and believes in animism (even before she heard the term). Her personal journey with health and spirituality led her to explore many allied subjects. She writes about them now so people can avoid the mistakes she did or just laugh about similar mistakes they did.