Plastic Surgery and Natural Ways to Help Heal Afterward
People want to get plastic surgery for several reasons. Some want to live a regular life and be content with what they have while others want to enhance their appearance in order to stand out. There are also patients who need liposuction to help maintain their body weight as well as those who want to bring back their youthful vitality through facelifts.
Regardless of your reason for wanting to have surgical procedures done on your body, you should find an excellent clinic that can help you achieve natural-looking results. Vera Clinic has a team of licensed experts who are willing to assist you with your cosmetic enhancement needs.
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Typical Cosmetic Procedures
Procedures, where doctors do not need to break open the skin, are called non-surgical. These include:
- Using extreme temperatures to burn fat
- Facial and neck-tightening treatments
- Microdermabrasion
- Laser techniques
- Fillers
Meanwhile, procedures that result in open wounds are deemed as surgical such as:
- Deep chemical peels
- Eyelifts
- Breast augmentation
- Hair transplantation
- Rhinoplasty
It’s inevitable that you will be experiencing some mild discomfort and pain after going through plastic surgery. Before reaching for that painkiller, you should check out the following tips on the natural ways to heal first:
Obey your surgeon’s post-surgery instructions
This advice may seem obvious but it may come as a surprise that a number of patients disregard their doctor’s orders after going through the procedure. Whether some factors are hindering them from following the instructions or they simply don’t want to do it, you should keep in mind that your surgeon gave those guidelines to help you recover faster.
Relax and rest
Grant your body plenty of time to heal. Remember, the more invasive the procedure that you went through, the more rest your body needs. Steer clear of strenuous activity such as lifting heavy objects for the first few weeks. If you’re feeling soreness in certain areas, getting a gentle massage or trying acupuncture are some of the natural ways to reduce pain.
Eat for a stronger immune system
Your food intake can affect how fast or slow your recovery will be. It is recommended to abstain from spicy and processed foods to lessen inflammation. Here are the ones that you should be eating:
- Lean Meat
- Yogurt
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Mushrooms
- Nuts
Antibiotics are generally prescribed to patients after surgery and while they kill harmful bacteria to thwart infections, they also eliminate good bacteria. Fermented dairy products like yogurt can help increase the number of good bacteria especially the ones that line your digestive tract.
Eat plenty of fiber-rich food such as peas, beans, chia seeds, wheat, and green leafy vegetables. Moreover, make sure that you eat fruits and veggies rich in vitamin C like broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, apples, lemons, and oranges to boost your immune system and give you energy.
Stay hydrated
In addition to eating healthy, drink lots of water. Strive to consistently keep yourself hydrated so that your body can get enough fuel for healing from the food and water you take in. The ideal six to eight glasses of water a day can facilitate in rejuvenating your skin starting from the inside. It also allows you to flush out toxins from your system through sweating or urinating.
Supplementing your diet with glutamine and arginine can also boost immunity. One comparative study of these amino acids found that patients who took glutamine had significantly shorter hospital stays, while arginine supplementation improved the level of albumin, the proteins found in blood serum. Earlier research indicates that both glutamine and arginine help postsurgical patients maintain their immune function and reduce the incidence of infection.
You can also stimulate your immunity with herbs. One pleasant way to take your medicine is in a cup of green tea (Camellia sinensis), which is known for its anti-carcinogenic properties. And an in vitro study by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences found that extracts of this tasty beverage “turn on” immune cells and may protect against bacterial infections.
Steer clear of vices
Remember, your body has gone through a significant change. Alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes can impede your recovery and can counteract with your prescribed medicine which causes preventable complications. Alcohol does a lot of damage to your immune system and also has a dehydrating effect which makes healing even more challenging.
Be attentive to surgical wounds
Having your stitches taken out is one of the moments where patients can breathe a sigh of relief. However, treat your surgical injuries with the utmost care to diminish the risk of infections. Follow your doctor’s instructions on how to dress your wound. Handle the cut only when you’re cleaning or dressing it. Otherwise, leave it alone so that it can repair itself from the inside out.
Recuperation after surgery can leave patients with mixed feelings of agony, anxiety, and apprehension. Nonetheless, always think of your end goal during the times when you’re in a gloomy mood. After your wounds heal, you will be able to live the life you want with confidence.