5 Sleep Mistakes You Should Try to Correct

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5 Sleep Mistakes You Should Try to Correct

Most people never intend to experience an awful night’s sleep. Instead, they want to go to bed at a reasonable hour and wake up well-rested and ready to start the day. However, that doesn’t always happen, and some people spend much of the night tossing and turning, endlessly trying to switch their brains off so they can drift off to sleep. If you’re caught up in an endless fatigue spiral, you might be making common sleep mistakes requiring immediate attention.  

Here are 5 Sleep Mistakes You Should Try to Correct

Not Trying Natural Remedies

It can be tempting to reach for sleeping pills when you’re having trouble nodding off but don’t be afraid to look at more natural options. For example, businesses selling wholesale vapes might recommend CBD vape oil to help you feel more relaxed. When your brain and body are relaxed, you might find it easier to drift off to sleep. 

While studies are in their infancy, a large case series with 72 adults found that sleep scores improved within the first month for 66% of patients using CBD and that it was well-tolerated by all but three people. 

Consuming Too Much Caffeine

Many people drink caffeinated beverages like coffee for a quick pick-me-up throughout the day. While it might have the desired effect, it might also impact your ability to enjoy a peaceful night’s rest. Caffeine is a stimulant that blocks the brain’s sleep-inducing chemicals. It can also sometimes take up to six hours for caffeine to be removed from your system. If you have caffeine before going to bed, you might struggle to fall asleep. 

Getting Less Sleep Than You Need

When your to-do list is never-ending, it can be tempting to cut back on sleep to fit more tasks into the average day. However, you’re unlikely to be your most productive self when your body is sleep-deprived. 

Most people need seven to nine hours of sleep per night, and anything less than that might affect your ability to function at your best. If you’re not getting at least the minimum recommended amount of seven hours, it might be time to start going to bed earlier. 

Using Electronics In the Bedroom

Browsing social media on your phone or watching TV in bed can be fun ways to pass the time while you’re getting ready to doze off. However, you might have a harder time falling asleep if you’re using electronics in the bedroom. 

The light waves from these devices can impact our circadian rhythms and tell our brains that it’s daytime and we must stay awake. Keep electronics out of the bedroom where possible, and stop using them at least an hour before bed. 

Consuming Too Much Alcohol

Alcohol can make you feel drowsy, so you might indulge in a nightcap, believing it will help you drift off to sleep easier. Alcohol can sometimes limit your brain’s ability to cycle through the various sleep cycles that rejuvenate us for the day ahead. You might then spend more time in a light sleep phase and less time in REM. 

You won’t enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep every night, but that doesn’t mean you can’t aim for the majority of the time. By rectifying some of the mistakes above, you might put yourself in a solid position to sleep soundly and wake up feeling fresh and ready to start your day. 

Stacey Chillemi


Stacey Chillemi is an entrepreneur, bestselling author, speaker & coach. She is the founder of The Complete Herbal Guide. She has empowered hundreds of thousands worldwide through her books, websites, e-courses, educational videos, and live events. You can Twitter me at @The_HerbalGuide.

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