Part1 The Naked Truth About Men And Romance Kathryn Foster, Ph D (video)
From hormones to brain structure, women and men differ. The author explains how testosterone, lesser empathy, and being a “Systemizer” affect men in romances. A psychologist, Dr. Foster uses both composite stories from her practice and fascinating research findings to illustrate The Naked Truth About Men. Many women suffer silently in romances and women initiate two-thirds of divorces. The book gives voice to why this is true and what you can do about it. One chapter is devoted to what a woman can actually and specifically expect from a man. This includes understanding his main source of connection, how he communicates for different reasons than she does, why conflict is threatening to him but not her, and how his personal growth will look different than hers.
Finding a life partner is getting harder for women and the author tells why.
Finally, Dr. Foster speaks of the emerging woman: how she’ll restore balance to the work world, find fulfillment in friendships, is headed toward overcoming an aversion to risk taking, and will restore joyous sex. Women aren’t done rustling the social order yet. As they come to terms with the truth about men and the dilemma female-male relationships pose, they are breaking away from former mores to find something new. This sea change will strike at the soul of romance and how females and males couple. Having female hormones and brain structure is about more than the capacity to supply breast milk.
It’s about values: tolerance, relationship closeness, being genuine, seeing the big picture, and nurturing everything from Planet Earth to a new style of politicking. The rise of the feminine will bring the values we need now. Men, by and large, did not fair well in the evolutionary machine, as they cut off from their relational and emotional selves through centuries of killing animals, the silent stocking of prey, and combat. But when a woman is asked to make a man her primary source of love, affection, and emotional intimacy, she has to figure out what to do. Never before have women been positioned to so radically change the world. It all begins with women’s shifting their expectations of romance. What Women Want is the companion book especially for men and When Your Relationship Changes is the
What Women Want is the companion book especially for men and When Your Relationship Changes is the follow-up to The Naked Truth About Men.