Natural Cures for Ovarian Cysts
For most women, watchful waiting and using a natural cure for ovarian cysts works just fine. Again, unless your doctor says you’re in immediate danger or you’re experiencing pain, most medical authorities believe ovarian cysts are nothing to worry about and can go away on their own. However, it is advisable to consult your doctor about your medical condition.
In this article, you’ll learn and discover many natural cures for ovarian cysts.
Table of Contents
- Home Remedies For Ovarian Cysts
- Natural Herbs For Ovarian Cysts Treatment
- Dietary Changes
- Vitamins For Ovarian Cysts
- Herbal Remedies Might Take Time
- When to Seek Help?
- Conventional Treatment of Ovarian Cysts
- Take Control of Your Health
Home Remedies For Ovarian Cysts
For most women, watchful waiting and using a natural cure for ovarian cysts works just fine. Again, unless your doctor says you’re in immediate danger or you’re experiencing pain, most medical authorities believe ovarian cysts are nothing to worry about and can go away on their own. However, it is advisable to consult your doctor about your medical condition, since everyone is unique.
Natural Herbs For Ovarian Cysts Treatment
Herbalists use a variety of herbs to treat ovarian cysts. Since the belief is that an underlying hormonal imbalance creates conditions that lead to ovarian cysts, herbalists use a variety of plants to restore balance and harmony. Recommended herbs also include those that restore overall vitality and cleanse the liver.
Herbal treatments won’t cure ovarian cysts overnight. You must take the herbs prescribed by a herbalist for at least three weeks and preferably six weeks or more. The following list is intended as a general overview only. Please consult a naturopath or qualified herbalist for the exact herbs to treat your condition, and do tell your physician about any herbs you’re taking.
Milk Thistle
The Herbal Encyclopedia online recommends some of the following herbs to treat ovarian cysts and other abnormal uterine growths:
Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-casta)
Herbalists have used vitex for centuries to restore hormonal balance. Because cysts may be caused by too much estrogen, vitex helps to bring estrogen levels back into balance, which could, in turn, help prevent cysts.
Red Clover
Red clover’s estrogen-like effects make it a popular remedy for hormonal imbalances, and herbalists frequently recommend it to treat conditions like PCOS. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) is currently studying the efficacy of red clover.
Black Cohosh
Black cohosh is used by Ayurvedic practitioners in combination with red clover and other herbs to help balance hormones. It is thought to help restore irregular periods, which could be the cause of ovarian cysts.
Dandelion is a diuretic that may help cleanse the liver. This, in turn, could help your body flush out excess hormones that may be causing the cysts.
Wild Yam
Wild yam contains chemicals that mimic or can be turned into hormones such as estrogen. If a hormonal imbalance is causing the cysts, applying a cream made from Wild Yams may help to correct the balance.
Bee Pollen
Bee pollen is another Ayurvedic remedy that is used in supporting a woman’s reproductive health. It may help to guard against some causes of ovarian cysts.
Bach Flower Remedies
Several Bach Flower Remedies used alone or in combination, can help with ovarian cysts. Robert McDowell, an Australian herbalist, recommends the following Bach Flower Remedies in addition to herbal medicine:
- Walnut
- Wild Oats
- Impatiens
- Red Chestnut
- Honeysuckle
Dietary Changes
Some preliminary research from Italy suggests that women who eat more meat and cheese products develop more ovarian cysts than women who do not eat these products. It may be wise to alter your diet, include more fruits and vegetables, or follow a vegetarian diet until the ovarian cysts shrink or dissolve. Other recommendations include diets rich in fruits, vegetables, garlic, legumes and whole grains. Eating less sugar and white flour also allows the body time to heal and rebalance itself.
Vitamins For Ovarian Cysts
In addition to herbs and dietary changes, some vitamins can also help to balance the hormones that may be causing ovarian cysts. This includes:
- Vitamin E
- Flaxseed oil
- Magnesium
- B Vitamins
Herbal Remedies Might Take Time
Herbal remedies for ovarian cysts may not work as quickly as pharmaceutical cures. Most herbs, like vitex, take at least three months to begin to balance your hormones. Hormonal balancing is just the first step in controlling ovarian cysts, so make sure you stay on the herbs long enough for them to have an effect. Keep in mind that it may be six months or longer before you see results. If you need more immediate relief, see your doctor about getting extra help while you balance your hormones for the long term.
When to Seek Help?
Usually, ovarian cysts produce no symptoms and go away on their own. It is essential that if you experience any sudden, severe abdominal pain, bleeding, fever or chills, that you get emergency medical treatment immediately. While the majority of ovarian cysts aren’t dangerous, these symptoms may indicate a ruptured cyst, which needs to be treated immediately by a physician.
Conventional Treatment of Ovarian Cysts
Common medical treatments for ovarian cysts include watchful waiting, hormonal pills to try to shrink the cysts or surgery. Most physicians are willing to cooperate with watchful waiting, in which the patient returns to the doctor for periodic examinations and scans to make sure the cysts haven’t grown or changed.
Take Control of Your Health
Ovarian cysts may be the sign of another, underlying health condition. Treating the cysts naturally may help you to get the rest of your body back in balance as well. Try these natural remedies to help balance your hormones, prevent cysts from forming and lead a healthier and happier life.