The Easiest Ayurveda Spring Cleanse Ever
Finally, spring is here, and we may find ourselves in the midst of spring fever, clearing out our winter clothes, dressing a little lighter, revisiting our exercise programs, and lightening up our diets.
This time of year it’s natural to want to lighten up both physically and emotionally and cleanse to shake off those extra winter pounds and brighten up for the rest of the year. There is a reason we want to clean everything out including ourselves – it’s natural!
Did you know that even though spring cleanses seem new – they are well known in our grandmothers time. Spring bitters and tonics were all the rage to “get the blood moving.” Even in traditional eastern medicine like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, spring is the time to detoxify the liver and here in the west “liver tonic” herbs like dandelion and veggies like artichokes are naturally abundant this time of year.
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So, you want to do a spring cleanse, too?
Here are my five top suggestions for an optimal spring cleanse, which should last at least a week:
- Start every day with a large glass of water with a squeeze of detoxifying lemon juice. For you sluggish Kaphas – adding some fresh ginger root is a one-two punch to feeling lighter and brighter. Not sure of your dosha? Take my dosha quiz.
- Eat a very simple diet for seven days: A good choice is Kitchari: made of basmati rice and mung dal, this dish creates a balanced food that is a good protein combination and is tridoshic. That means good for all doshas. This complete food is easy to digest and gives strength and vitality. It nourishes all the tissues of the body. Kitchari is also excellent for detoxification and de-aging of the cells.
Try my recipe for the Spring Kitchari Dish from my upcoming book The 25-Day Ayurveda Cleanse.
- Each day, snack on two apples. The greener the apple, the better. Sour apples contain a lot of malic acids which helps in the detoxifying process.
- Make sure your bowels are moving every day — at least once! Take a great pre-biotic like ghee. That will keep your digestion healthy – and it tastes so good! I like Simply Ghee because it comes from small family farms in Lancaster County, Pa. The cows are loved – and grass fed! All that love just translates to better tasting food. That’s why I include Simply Ghee in all my Cleanse Kits!
- Drink a detoxifying tea daily for one week. To make your own tea try this recipe I start most of my clients with this drink as it’s a wonderful detoxifying and anti-inflammatory tea.
Detoxifying and Anti-Inflammatory Tea Recipe
Use 1/4 teaspoons each of the following seeds…
- Coriander seeds
- Cumin seeds
- Fennel seeds
- Add 2 cups water
- Bring to a boil
- Turn off the heat
- Let steep for 2-5 minutes
- Strain
- Add a squeeze of lemon.
- Sip during the day!
Happy spring!
Ready to learn more about how to unlock the power of food to heal your body, prevent disease & achieve vibrant health?
Pre-order my book The 25-Day Ayurveda Cleanse. Out on May 28th
In health,