Vitamin & Supplement Product Reviews

Health and Natural Healing Tips / Vitamin & Supplement Product Reviews (Page 10)

Vega One All-In-One Nutritional Shake

Beneficial for health and wellness! Did you know…? High-protein shakes can help develop lean muscle mass, but it can also encourage fat loss, increase satiety, deliver essential nutrients and even improve metabolic activity. What are the health benefits of Vega One All-In-One Nutritional Shake? Muscle Gain Rice University recommends regularly strength training and upping your daily protein intake by 0.2 to 0.4 grams per pound of body weight per day if your objective is gaining lean muscle. Retaining muscle mass and getting an adequate amount of protein is particularly important for women as they age and their risks of osteoporosis and joint problems increase. If you strength train and eat protein daily, you don't need shakes to retain or gain muscle. However, if you don't eat many protein-rich foods,...


Adreno Distress Guard Review

Over eighty percent of people site ‘lack of energy’ as the most common reason for coming to a physician. Low energy is a symptom of adrenal fatigue also known as Addison’s hypoadrenalism. Other common signs of low adrenal function include: • An uncontrollable need to eat • Unusual mood swings • Lack of restorative sleep…being tired or less than refreshed when one wakes up. As a result, people often push themselves to continue functioning; however, usually with the help of stimulants like coffee, cola, or sugar. PERQUE Adreno Distress Guard is a natural, non-stimulating product that effectively rehabilitates the body’s energy system at the cellular level so the glands can again function in youthful, resilient, and effective ways while not over-taxing an exhausted gland....

Health and Natural Healing Tips