When Food Is Your Frenemy: From Obesity to Restored Health: How Bariatric Surgery and Portion Control Changed My Life
When Food Is Your Frenemy: From Obesity to Restored Health: How Bariatric Surgery and Portion Control Changed My Life is an empowering, informative and motivational read. Jacob F. Bustos, ” When Food Is Your Frenemy,” provides readers with the insights to understand how weight loss and portion control plays a vital role in good health and well-being.
In the introduction, Bustos opens up and lets you into his world sharing touching moments from his life journey. He shares heartwarming stories from his own life including how he always struggled with weight and how it compromised his self-esteem, emotional stability and most important his physical health as he shares some memories of life-threatening moments caused by his food disorder.
In “When Food Is Your Frenemy,” Jacob Bustos helps you understand with his words of wisdom that a journey of awakening does not require a traumatic event to occur in order to experience a rude awakening. His teachings in the book give the reader an understanding that as long as you are open for guidance then guidance will make its way into your life. Bustos gives you the opportunity to renew your health both mentally and physically as he provides excellent guidance for weight loss in his astonishing book, “When Food Is Your Frenemy”.
When Food Is Your Frenemy is packed with magnificent stories, advice, tools, recipes, and resources, which teaches readers how to renew their relationship with food giving them the ability to take back control in their lives, so they can experience happiness and live a healthy and productive life.
Jacob F. Bustos, a chef for 25-years who battled obesity, health problems and obstacles that no individual should have to endure provides brilliant insight on how to transform your life including fabulous advice plus a wide-range of recipes and tips that he used to overcome his obesity.
Throughout the book, Jacob F. Bustos provides a vast array of research that helps readers acknowledge the vital importance of eating healthy and incorporating portion control in their daily regimen and how it plays an essential role in people’s mental and physical health. One important factor I acquired from reading this amazing book on weight loss was that it’s crucial for individuals to maintain a healthy diet and incorporate exercise into their daily regimen. Creating a healthy lifestyle, exercising, having a healthy state of mind can help improve your life and improve your overall health.
In the beginning of the book on page 27, Bustos discusses how he decided to have bariatric surgery; he clarifies clearly that this procedure is not for everyone and that there are many other paths to take to overcome obesity. Bustos goes on as he helps make the reader aware that if you suffer from weight loss then you need to do something about it.
One fact that really grasped my attention when reading the book was when Jacob discussed how diabetes was listed as the seventh leading cause of death in the United States and how it is linked to being overweight. So many medicines are prescribed for diabetes when the solution is right underneath our nose. Could it be possible that thousands of people could be cured of diabetes if they changed their eating habits and lifestyle? Bustos devotes a whole chapter in chapter 3, which provides excellent health advice and guidance for people who want to overcome severe diseases linked to obesity. As a person who has diabetes and heart problems in my family, I found the information in this chapter extremely valuable.
Weight loss is not only necessary for well-being, but it is vital for each individual to receive feel good about themselves so they can function well. Sadly, most people are not happy with their appearance. However, in this rush-rush society we live in filled with looming deadlines and hard tasks that need to be accomplished, people tend to neglect to take the time out to prepare healthy meals and put their health on the line as they increase their risk of developing illnesses, diseases and even the possibility of death. The trick is how do we renew our relationship with food and transform our lives so we can have a life filled with happiness and productivity. Jacob F. Bustos teaches you in his book how to turn your life around with the tips, tools, recipes, and resources that are easy to incorporate in your life and very self-rewarding.
Bustos not only discusses how to eat healthily, he shows you how to transform your entire life as you read this astonishing life changing book.
Jacob Bustos approach to food and weight loss helped me realize that WE control our bodies. We can change the way we look, think and feel by making productive lifestyle changes.
In addition, through reading this book I realize no matter what age you are you can transform your life and create the life you always wanted for yourself. A life filled with happiness, inner peace, good health and strong inner strength that can lead you to endless opportunities and the ability to reach any level of success you desire.
I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in losing weight and keeping it off for good.
Website: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN: 978-1548932855, $24.99 164 pages
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