Author: Stacey Chillemi

Health and Natural Healing Tips / Articles posted by Stacey Chillemi (Page 49)

Butterbur: The Herb that Relieves Migraines, Allergies, Asthma & More

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By Charles Platt In this article, you'll learn about butterbur and discover how this herb relieves migraines, allergies, asthma and more. Every year, nearly a million people in the United States end up in the emergency room seeking relief from debilitating migraine pain.  Severe migraine headaches remain an unresolved medical issue for millions of people despite the availability of powerful drugs and specialty migraine clinics. For most people, taming their migraines is an ongoing series of trial and error events using various medications and stress-reduction therapies. For some, however, the very drugs taken to resolve a migraine may actually create a chronic migraine condition.2 Alarming studies have even shown that those who suffer from a certain type of migraine are at risk for a life-threatening cardiovascular disease. Given the...


Cupping Therapy vs. Acupuncture: How Are They Similar and Different?

In this article, we'll go over cupping therapy and acupuncture.  You'll learn and discover how they are similar and different. The Philosophy Behind Cupping Therapy and Acupuncture Both cupping therapy and acupuncture have their origins in ancient China. Surprisingly, acupuncture was developed around 8,000 years ago and has its foundations in Dadaist theisms. Cupping therapy, on the other hand, came to be used around 3,000 years ago. Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on the philosophy that the body has natural energy flowing through it. The meridians that run through the body are the channels that direct the free flow of energy. As long as this energy, also called, “qi” or “chi” keeps moving, you feel healthy. But, illnesses and injuries can create obstructions in the flow. As a result,...


4 Herbs to Increase Low Blood Pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is one of the leading causes of heart disease in the US. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in every three Americans has high blood pressure. If you have hypertension, check out the recent post 13 herbs to lower blood pressure. You’ll find tons of helpful resources and herbal remedies for managing and reversing high blood pressure. What about low blood pressure though? Should hypotension be a cause of concern, and if so, are there any herbs that can help? Doctors agree that within reasonable limits, low blood pressure is a good thing. Although any reading less than 90/60 is considered low, and there isn’t a straightforward answer to how low is too low. In people who...

Can a Holistic Herbal and Diet Plan Kick Addictions

Can a Holistic Herbal and Diet Plan Kick Addictions Without Help?

There is an old sitcom scene where a guy keeps hitting his head against a wall. Each time he does it, he says his head hurts. That is the same way individuals feel about their addictions. They understand that it is wrong, but they are not able to stop. Addictions come in many different forms. For some, they have strong food cravings that they are not able to control. They may have an especially difficult time saying no to foods like chocolate and bread. There are other types of addictions that can cause major havoc in a person’s life. These are addictions to alcoholism, drug abuse, and gambling. Extreme risk-taking and compulsive behaviors can also be considered addictions. Dopamine and Its Connection to Addictions The counselors at the...

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Top 7 Ways to Overcome Food Addiction

Published On The Huffington Post Food addiction affects millions of people worldwide, but are all addictions similar, and should they be treated the same? The primary difference between food addiction verse drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and other addictions is that everyone needs to eat in order to survive. When discussing other addictions such as drugs and alcohol, it is important to realize that individuals do not need drugs and alcohol to live unless they have a medical condition that requires specific medications. The goal in the treatment of many addictions, especially, drugs and alcohol is usually abstinence, which may appear to be an unrealistic goal when it comes to food addiction. It isn’t really, and here is why. Through research, scientists have found that when a person is battling an...

How Exercise and Weight Training can Help Slow the Aging Process

How Exercise and Weight Training Can Help Slow The Aging Process

Whether we like it or not, aging is a natural part of our life cycle as human beings. However, there are a number of influences that can have an impact on how quickly we age. Many people already know that factors like food and healthy (or unhealthy) habits can have an impact on how they age, but what they don't realize is that exercise also plays a significant role. In this article, you'll learn and discover how exercise and weight training can help slow the aging process. In fact, with regular weight training and other fitness efforts, individuals can not only access the best weight loss programs around, but they can also reverse the aging process, making sure they live happier, healthier, and longer lives. Combine your...


Bioschwartz Probiotic Review: Probiotic 40 billion CFU

To support good digestive health, it’s important to have a balance of good bacteria in your digestive tract. Things like diet and travel can impact the good bacteria. So it’s important to incorporate a healthy diet with your daily probiotic. A probiotic supplement like SCHWARTZ BIORESEARCH Probiotic 40 billion CFU adds to your body's good bacteria and naturally helps support digestive and immune health every day. It's a good idea to take your probiotic at the same time every day so it becomes a part of your daily health routine. What are probiotics? Probiotics are bacteria that help maintain the natural balance of organisms (microflora) in the intestines camera. The normal human digestive tract contains about 400 types of probiotic bacteria that reduce the growth of harmful bacteria...

Top 6 Herbal Remedies for Yellow Nails

Top 6 Herbal Remedies for Yellow Nails

Healthy nails have a pinkish hue and shiny appearance. If you have yellow spots or markings on your toenails or fingernails, this can be an indicator of nail fungus, an infection called Onychomycosis. In most cases, the yellow nails start at the tip of the nail and spread towards the cuticle, often along one side of the nail. Onychomycosis is a common nail disorder caused by fungal organisms, yeasts, and molds. Many nail fungus infections are caused by the same fungus that causes athlete’s foot and cross infections between the two disorders can easily occur. Nail fungus infections are more common in toenails than fingernails and tend to affect older people more than younger. Herbal treatments for Yellow Nails Lemons for Yellow Nails How to use it...


The Secret Nature of Matter

I found this book to be very empowering, informative, and motivational. This book is packed with loads of advice and guidance teaching readers how to heal their bodies and other individuals’ bodies mentally, physically, and spiritually using powerful energy healing. The Secret Nature of Matter by Richard Gordon is filled with fabulous tips and techniques on how to heal people using hands-on healing.  This book is written in a clear, concise, and easy to understand manner so anyone interested in learning hands-on healing can easily do so. Richard Gordon maps out new territory in the rarely explored intersection of science and spirituality in this fascinating investigation of the profound relationship between matter and consciousness. Building on the Quantum-Touch technique he developed in previous books, Gordon explains how the...

Top Best 11 Supplements for Arthritis

Best 11 Supplements for Arthritis

Research hasn't always kept pace with the popularity of supplements. But more natural medicines are being put to the test in well-designed clinical trials. Here are nine supplements that are backed by science and shown to be effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoarthritis (OA) and arthritis-related conditions. In this article, you'll learn and discover the best 11 supplements for arthritis. SAM-e (S-adenosylmethionine) How it works SAM-e acts as an analgesic (pain reliever) and has anti-inflammatory properties. It may stimulate cartilage growth and also affects neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, which reduce pain perception. Two studies have shown that it relieves OA symptoms as effectively as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with fewer side effects and more prolonged benefit. Best for osteoarthritis Also used for fibromyalgia Boswellia Serrate (Indian frankincense) How it works The active...

Health and Natural Healing Tips